Tuesday, 6 October 2015

All Of The Cake

I have a bad habit of complaining about the time I spend with my son.

Not in a bad way, mind you, just complaining that I don't feel like I spend enough time, enough QUALITY time, with him every morning before I drop him off.

Our morning unfolds like this:

630-700 am - My little guy will whisper in my ear; "Daddy, are you awake?" or "Daddy, open your eyes." or "Daddy, GET UP!" At which point, I will grumpily roll over and pretend I didn't hear him, which initiates physical contact, mostly in the form of hand pulling or face slapping.

730-900 am - Breakfast, Paw Patrol, playtime, both of us in our underwear, usually. I will then mosey upstairs to take a shower, leaving him to watch Paw Patrol, and me hoping he is not wrecking something expensive downstairs.

930 am - This is usually the time we get our butts in gear and get ourselves out of the house.

Now, I start work at 1100 am, which isn't bad, but I do have to admit, that 930 - 1015 is not the most amount of time to do fun stuff together, so usually it's to a park for a bit.

Most days, I'll get home, and the squirt is in bed or near ready for bed, so I really need to take advantage of that time I have.

I know that my situation is not unique.  So many parent, especially shift working parents probably feel like they don't spend enough time with their children. I can't imagine the sacrifice of a soldier deployed, of an oil field worker, a long haul trucker, anything that keeps people away from their childeren for extended periods of time. I shouldn't complain, but I do.

I fall into the trap of needing to make every moment we have together a golden moment.

If we aren't doing some amazing things, did I fail?

Is just going to the park good enough? Probably, but I sometimes think we could be doing more!

Ive watched some youtube videos of some parents making videos with their kids. I tried that today, and boy, did I feel like I was completely unengaged in what was going on. Maybe that's a thing to do when he's older, but for right now, not so much.

I think I just need to calm down and understand that whatever time we have with our kids, moments, hours, days, if there are mostly smiles and laughter, it makes up for the time we don't have.

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